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Posts tagged “spirituality


Lord, what makes these seas flow, wash and splash so endlessly?
Yet your children’s corruption hearts stopping so abruptly?
The soul’s unreliability, lack of predictability
Far unlike the storms, seas and winds – those elements know of actual roots as
They pattern relentlessly…
…and yet you love us moreso unconditionally?
When they are all proven as pretty as rust
Brown greys embittered and chippered –
Falling in bits n’ pieces as ashes now considered nothing but wastes of yesterday’s haste
Not a single one a child of trust.
Not a single ‘I must’ amongst such uncommitted lust.
Not a single true within such spineless youth.
Their sole intention lies in skewed rationale’s retention…

We leave you
We all leave each other
We love to leave one another
We first question why we leave our brothers –
Then all so boastfully quick to admit,
Yet too holy for guilt trips?
Grace is no place or license to unaccountability
Yours and ours hypocrisy shines above all praises and singing,
Yet I can hold no outspoken misunderstanding,
Lest be labeled unworthily hate-baiting…
It’s Your aid of the THEM – a herd so little deserving,
What have they done, that I’ve misread? Which keeps them so pain free?
What secrets have you revealed that you keep from me?
Is the writing of this very thing
Keeping mine time from a precious tithe?
Yet if it was done, mine own motives would subside to inevitable selfish pride –
Is it no lie?
Any hopes or fight for a peace’s place erased
Before I even lay forth the cheapened bread, too little too late –
A donation of never enough
A thought killed before I ever thought it up.
A filthy rag to you, the King, and cheap instant gratification for
Me, the thing –
Completely and routinely unsurprising.

This is supposed to be harder? Yet easier? Of what, where do I stand, speak or sit?
May I ask if You even give a sh*t?
Bustling, waiting, forgiving, wanting leading to forced oaths –
Most growth harbors little character trumped by the frustrating,
Have you ever really been listening?
Yet hear this one final cry and plead,
If You have no plans, then just please let me finally go free.

For Eternally Yours…

As revealed alike ethereal dreams unexplained
From above His love relents from
Songs recycled as once came,
Creation’s roads amongst roses, thistles and thorns,
Life’s heaven light adorns
Sensing how mightily it yearns unwavering
Yet time savoring turmoils and what almost was,
Lastly becomes a praising of revelations as once
Blending of two souls whilst epic hymns of angels
Watching glows of a ceremony below as
A hand takes another in forever a dance of most
blessed romance as underlying enchants
Connecting alike mysteries throughout what histories
can only the Almighty bestow to
The children whom once walked lonesome now alive
Ponder of by what chance, do humans ask upon
enlightened glance and mortal eyes if not by some
divine predestined design to reverence?
Wholes of universes, miniscule of miracles He sought
Forth brought invisible through guardian’s guide,
Reaped joys embracing two blessed lives chasing
Love as only Song of Songs can derive,
Under adorned gleam of autumn chapel’s light
Forever’s sight lasts til passed afterwords of life
Honored groom gallant in vows
To unite now aside his most fairest bride,
Truest husband, reverend preacher does announce –
I shall now pronounce you man and wife…

Coincidence? Choice? Life?

“Have you ever dreamed a dream so real”
Asked the man of youth sincere
“That took in place sometime today
from a million days or nights away?”
Reasons sway as reflections cite “wouldn’t it be fun if this was like…”
Only to witness the outcome right then after
ponder imagined powers allowing such reflections
subjecting fancied might –
Stunted strife…
Such possibilities nothing but
“Fairies dreams,” “spells of old,” what does seem like
cognitive illusions and aspirations lead to wish then
“I may power all who’ve prior lacked inquire
for said fires of minds denied this unsought road
which we’ve self-told
shall naught be sought for reasons of the blasphemous unholy inspired.”
And of time, space, gods, and men,
Senselessly sought answers perhaps always well within?
“For these are from our God’s derive”
States the clergy from well inside of the likeness
perhaps just self-denied.
Just as people
of all kinds questing their ways
through worlds declined
Seeking why
must the powers adjust
to those of a lesser successor while I stand as average as
average can,
Hoping a notice soon well at hand,
Yet failing to see such I rally to be much
in other pathways of the demographic’s expects of success but
roads so overrun drown all thy dreams of theoretical fun
that otherwise could have been so oh desired among distractions
of corporate infractions which
all naive eyes to the innocence that they have shunned,
Shame in all shapes and sizes now ignored amongst our Lord who once
was chased as gold in a race,
but save face… you would have known your place…
If not for the people,
If not for the lies,
If not for the trials,
If not for the cries…
The spies, demise, and broken record tries
Despising nothing and everything from blind eyes to blinder guides
Which when revised inevitably finds,
You’ve chased illusions all this time; truly,
your grief unruly birthed of your own hands having never foresaw –
All parts of law of the land which majorities seldom stand against
for whence the end descends depends on how men self-consider themselves defenseless
and to the willfully ignorant degree of it all…
Yet it is the way the tale shall weave
of holy predictions you choose to unsee,
So who will you choose to finally believe?
in said world of declining life…